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    War is Hell …

    2013 - 03.05

    Imagine you and your squad need to get to re-enforce a military base. You need to cross a minefield. But alas, these mines are cloaked. The only way you can cross is to send wave after wave of your own men to determine where the mines are by avoiding the bloody mess left by your former friends ( yes most of this was a Zapp Brannigan quote ).

    Now imagine, instead of a gritty real life war simulation, it’s a computer game you can play online with all your friends. And random strangers.

    Welcome to Mine Your Step

    The above is a screenshot after much testing of the first level. Guide the army dude from his starting position, to the bunker. Invisible minefields are everywhere. Stepping on one, and a brief explosion later you have to start again. Sounds unfair? It is. Remember, before I started the testing, the field looked more like this :

    The blood marks are all from my old attempts to try and reach the bunker. Each bloody pile of guts when mouse over-ed will tell you the name of who died, and when they died. Semper Fi.

    What benefits do you have? Aside from an exhaustible supply of army dudes? Every one plays in the same game. You step on a mine, your blood splat appears in their game. They explode in their game, it appears in yours. There is no way to win this game alone. Only by the entire internet joining together and sending wave after wave of themselves into the minefields will you be able to determine the safe route home. And by the entire internet, I mean a small group of people, because otherwise my hosting company will probably complain 🙂

    This was an idea I had on Sunday and have just got it too a workable point. I want to add some bling, sound effects, logos etc; but quite happy with how is. Got ten levels so far, each one getting increasingly more evil.

    Any ideas or comments? Let me know! Hopefully the slaughter will start this week 🙂


    The Badly Drawn Adventures of Lieutenant Ivanova Zolnerwich

    2013 - 03.02

    Introducing … The Badly Drawn Adventures of Lieutenant Ivanova Zolnerwich – Chapter 1 : Investigation

    With possibly the longest name ever, this is my February entry to the #OneGameAMonth. It’s a side-scrolling platform with dreadful graphics 🙂 Story wise, there is quite a bit going on, but you will need to find all the audio logs ( optional items ) in order to understand what is going on.

    How to play

    Story :
    You are Lieutenant Ivanova Zolnerwich, a relatively recent recruit to the Space Core. On a routine patrol in your aging space craft you receive a distress call from a nearby agricultural world. You decide to investigate further, and set your ship to autopilot with the order to land at the planets command center. You hastily put on your Core-issued green spacesuit and prepare to investigate the distress call.

    Controls :
    Left and Right arrows to move,
    Up to jump and enter doors
    Space to fire

    Notes :
    Doorways always have a flashing pink aura around them. Boxes can be pushed around. Slime, in all its forms, is pretty unhealthy. You need to collect key items to unlock additional areas – these are always prompted. Force fields can be turned off by finding the correct switch. You don’t need to collect all the audio logs to complete the game – some of them are hidden in fairly sneaky places. Yes, it does look ugly. Monsters can be tricked into moving boxes for you. There is no way to increase your health, every bit of it counts.

    The game can be found here : http://www.greenslimegames.com/games/html5/tbda1/. You will need a modern browser to play it. If you find any bugs feel free to let me know! My #1GaM profile is : http://www.onegameamonth.com/BeeBug_Nic feel free to leave some fan mail <3 ... or not :)



    2013 - 01.31

    As you can tell from my last post, I’ve entered OneGameAMonth, an indie gamejam which probably needs no explanation as to its purpose. I’d highly recommend any indie dev have a look at it, the website is pretty fantastic, gamified in quite an awesome way. At the time of writing, after a month of development, there are currently 784 games uploaded there – which I think is a hell of an amazing achievement. So many ideas and games in one place. It is pretty exciting to say the least.

    I really do like the idea of producing a game a month. I ( like a lot of developers ) tend to get caught up with massive grandiose dreams which very often seem to escape our reach. Having a regular deadline in which you know you must release something I think is incredibly motivating – a month being an ample amount of time to produce a simple game and add polish.

    My first game is up there and you can check my profile out here. Already started jotting down notes for February’s game. Feel free to leave some feedback there if you like ( or hate ) what I’m doing. I’m always up for attention 🙂

    Many thanks to @mcfunkypants and @LZAntal for setting this up, and I am really excited at what will come from it 🙂


    The Tombs of Tutankhamen

    2013 - 01.30

    Introducing …. The Tombs of Tutankhamen


    This, as mentioned in my earlier post, is a remake of an old BBC Microcomputer game I spent far to long as a child playing. I’ve kept as loyal to the original as possible, but brought the movement, controls and scrolling up to what is the ‘norm’ these days. I’ve also added touch screen controls to it, so it is playable on mobile devices. Mobiles controls are not as nice as I want, but I want to re-visit them later and use on-screen buttons.

    It’s powered by the awesome HTML5 – using the very cool impact.js framework. Really enjoyed working with impact, but I’ll talk about that another day. I must admit, I was rather shocked at the speed of the main game loop when dealing with the canvas. Seems browsers are starting to get quite good at this graphical nonsense 🙂 Anyway, without further ado :

    How to Play The Tombs of Tutankhamen

    Story :
    You are Doctor Procman, who has found yourself trapped in the Tombs of Tutankhamen. After deciphering hieroglyphics over an ancient and dusty altar you discover the only way to escape is to collect the 16 crowns and find the exit. Unfortunately, five colour coded doors stand in your way. You must find the keys inside scattered around the tomb to unlock additional areas. To add to the stress, there are boulder traps which will stop you from turning around. Oh and did I mention there are huge giant green spiders that will kill you if you get too close? Yeah, thats right, giant green spiders.

    Controls :
    Arrow keys to move
    R to commit suicide ( in case you get stuck, or just bored with life )
    Mouse click to mute music and change volume

    Notes :
    This game is pretty hard. You won’t complete it on your first game, you will need to learn the rooms. The one-way traps in the original are all present in this version and boy do they hurt 🙂 ‘R’ is your friend there. The spiders move at different speeds, you will need to judge your runs very carefully. There are two easter eggs in the game, one of which may come back to haunt me 🙂 The map itself is made of 16 rooms, you may need to scribble down some routes on a bit of paper. Five coloured keys exist and when you pick them up, the matching door will vanish. You can gain access to the last door fairly simply, but it will not open until you have all 16 crowns.

    The game can be found here : http://www.greenslimegames.com/games/html5/tut/. You will need a modern browser to play it. If you find any bugs feel free to let me know! This is my entry to OneGameAMonth which I shall be talking about tomorrow 🙂 Oh, and my profile there is : http://www.onegameamonth.com/BeeBug_Nic feel free to leave some fan mail <3


    #7dfps : Update 2

    2012 - 06.13

    All five turrets and health system complete. Now I need to get the level looking good and add a wave system. Hopefully will have enough time 🙂 Oh, and I have a name now : Sigil 😀
