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  • Archive for December, 2010

    The Galactic News Network

    2010 - 12.19

    I’ve almost got a very cool new feature to put live – the Galactic News Network – or GNN for short ( name change very possible ).  Part of the future core features is to have a real economy.  I.e.  silver is needed a lot, therefore the price of silver ore goes up,  lots of new people join the game, the amount of copper mined shoots up, therefore the price is reduced.

    Now the GNN is a way of introducing events into this system.  Maybe someone comes back from a mining mission with nothing but a million tonnes of silver.  Maybe someone has some really bad luck and loses a  lot of moles on a mission.  Maybe a war breaks out.  All of these can be part of of a GNN news packet.  As these events happen, they will be record on the GNN website – and even cooler – a realtime alert will be sent to all logged in players.  To start with, all missions on conclusions will send a message to GNN, informing them of the result of the mission – and GNN will broadcast them all 🙂  Once I have a larger and more regular player base, only certain ones will be broadcast – noticeable events, great hauls, first mining missions for new players.  These events will be linked to player profiles as well.  Should be pretty sweet 🙂


    No releases for so long :(

    2010 - 12.15

    Yup, I feel bad about it.  Alas a cold mixed with rl work end of year madness has resulted in a sudden decline in productivity on the game.  The good news is now I am on holiday till next year.   Which means a lot more coming soon 🙂  I’m thinking of actually doing another time based challenge to get the new parts of the game in place.  My internal wiki of development ideas and lore for the game has been growing steadily.  Once I *do* finally pick a name, I’ll make sure I can get it uploaded as to give more of a view of the game.  It’s pretty bleak 🙂

    Strangely, the blog has seen quite a large jump in traffic today, I can’t quite seem to work out why, nothing to major.  Will have to check the logs and see if I can find a reason.  This really is quite a pointless post.  But hell, it is my blog 🙂


    Lookin’ Good

    2010 - 12.12

    Blog updated, databases updated, backend of game updated – a very busy day 🙂  If you notice any problems with the site as a whole, please get in contact.  Submissions to the game database should be a lot faster now 🙂


    Server Changes

    2010 - 12.11

    Just a quick note that the game and blog will be down for an hour or so tommorrow – need to upgrade some software and stuff 🙂


    Spam Level Increasing! ಠ_ಠ

    2010 - 12.08

    Every comment for this blog gets put into moderation before a comment gets posted.  That isn’t because I want censor peoples extreme views of the game, rather it is to cope with the huge amount of spam posts I get.

    As a very low traffic blog, I never really expected to get much spam – however, with all the integration wordpress provides, I think I was somewhat naive in that assumption.  There is just over five times more spam comments than real comments.  Spam submitted to the comments for the past three days have mostly included the phrase ‘Merry Christmas’ so maybe that means the hardworking bots of the spammers get downtime over Christmas 🙂

    Interestingly, the most spammed post is my unamused asteroid post : http://blog.greenslimegames.com/2010/10/20/the-asteroid-is-not-amused/.  The only difference between this post and others I have made is I tweeted it mentioning the keyword ‘ಠ_ಠ’.

    Maybe memes are the next big thing for spam? 🙂
