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  •   LowRezJam – Report 13

    16/05/14 - 22:20

    Sand falling across the DunesA bunch of small bugs fixed today.  And added some performance tweaking for when things that are not in screen – all boring and can’t show you anything as the tweaks are inherently invisible 🙂  So what did I add that was visible?  well firstly a new environmental effect.  Sand is blown randomly around the screen.  I’m not sure if I like it or not – even though there is a wind that changes randomly to determine spawn rates of sand particles – it does just look like a drawing bug.  If I can get dunes looking nice and 3d it may work nicely – but not very into it at the moment – let me know what you think 🙂  Second thing I can show you is “Orange Blows”.  Basically a concentration of orange is produced and grows … gradually this Orange Pre-Mass gets to a point where if a harvester travels over it, it will explode, spreading orange everywhere!

    Orange explodes!

    As you can see the harvester takes damage whenever this happens, but it means that there is more orange to harvest.  The orange must flow! 🙂  I manually spawned these lumps in, they actually occur ‘naturally’ when there is less than 40% of the orange to mine.  They can spawn anywhere, and don’t appear on the minimap – so it is worthwhile to seek them, as your harvester can mine even when you think all the orange is gone 🙂

    RL photos do not make good pixel art :/

    ^^ WIP adviser – which shows that scaling 32×32 rl pictures really doesn’t make for good artwork … I’m also working on the title screen atm, as think I have finally decided on a name 🙂

    And what cliched title am I going to use with opening? :)Must be a reason for such a huge star-field 🙂



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