Every comment for this blog gets put into moderation before a comment gets posted. That isn’t because I want censor peoples extreme views of the game, rather it is to cope with the huge amount of spam posts I get.
As a very low traffic blog, I never really expected to get much spam – however, with all the integration wordpress provides, I think I was somewhat naive in that assumption. There is just over five times more spam comments than real comments. Spam submitted to the comments for the past three days have mostly included the phrase ‘Merry Christmas’ so maybe that means the hardworking bots of the spammers get downtime over Christmas 🙂
Interestingly, the most spammed post is my unamused asteroid post : http://blog.greenslimegames.com/2010/10/20/the-asteroid-is-not-amused/. The only difference between this post and others I have made is I tweeted it mentioning the keyword ‘ಠ_ಠ’.
Maybe memes are the next big thing for spam? 🙂