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  •   Procedurally Generated Asteroids – part 2

    6/12/10 - 19:08

    Time for some hard numbers 🙂 All asteroids have a certain number of spawns, and these spawns vary by the type of asteroid it is. I thought it would be cool to post the current information, these are the values that are actually in game right now – I will be using it as a basis for the future asteroid generation 🙂

    Just to explain this first table – First is ore name, next is if it is a real material – or made up by me :), followed by its price in solaris, followed by which roid it spawns in ( a 1 indicates the ore spawns on that ), rarity is something which isn’t used yet, but gives you an idea of how rare I want the ore to be.

    Ore Data
    Ore name Real? Worth Metal Crystal Active Rarity
    Copper y 250 1 0 1 Common
    Tyronic Crystal n 350 0 1 1 Common
    Silver y 550 1 0 1 Common
    Kor n 600 0 1 1 Common
    Titanium y 800 1 0 1 Common
    Lavatile n 1200 0 1 1 Common
    Gold y 1500 1 0 1 Common
    Lavatile Crystal n 2300 0 1 1 Common
    Dense Yeanite n 3500 1 1 1 Common
    Omnicronite n 4800 0 1 1 Common
    Diamond y 10000 0 1 1 Rare
    Trivonic Crystal n 12500 0 1 0 Common
    Platinum y 14500 1 0 0 Common
    Mythite n 18000 0 0 1 Rare
    Talpanite n 25000 1 1 1 UltraRare
    Ionic Kor n 25500 0 1 1 Common
    Impeganite n 27000 1 0 1 Common
    Stryoic blend n 29600 1 0 1 Common
    Noxicite n 32000 0 1 1 Common
    Salite n 33300 0 1 1 Common
    Septonic Crystal n 35000 0 1 0 Common
    Gaelinite n 36400 1 0 1 Common
    Slade n 37100 1 0 1 Uncommon
    Felathril n 38000 1 0 1 Common
    Kyrok n 39200 1 0 0 Common
    Oz n 42200 1 0 0 Common
    Octorite n 44400 0 1 0 Common
    Ultix n 45500 0 1 1 Common
    Daemonite n 48500 1 1 1 Uncommon
    Dense Daemonite n 55555 1 1 1 UltraRare

    Now for a detailed break down of each asteroid, metal, crystal and active – all of these are pretty self explanatory, so no need to explain each one. First, metal roids :

    Metal Roids
    Does it spawn? How many spawns? Total worth
    Copper 1 90 22500
    Tyronic Crystal 0 0 0
    Silver 1 90 49500
    Kor 0 0 0
    Titanium 1 90 72000
    Lavatile 0 0 0
    Gold 1 80 120000
    Lavatile Crystal 0 0 0
    Dense Yeanite 1 50 175000
    Omnicronite 0 0 0
    Diamond 0 0 0
    Trivonic Crystal 0 0 0
    Platinum 1 18 261000
    Mythite 0 0 0
    Talpanite 1 4 100000
    Ionic Kor 0 0 0
    Impeganite 1 40 1080000
    Stryoic blend 1 40 1184000
    Noxicite 0 0 0
    Salite 0 0 0
    Septonic Crystal 0 0 0
    Gaelinite 1 40 1456000
    Slade 0 0 0
    Felathril 1 40 1520000
    Kyrok 1 40 1568000
    Oz 1 40 1688000
    Octorite 0 0 0
    Ultix 0 0 0
    Daemonite 1 15 727500
    Dense Daemonite 1 4 222220
    Total Types Total Spawns Total worth
    15 681 10245720
    Average Ore Worth : 15045.11013

    Crystal Roids :

    Crystal Roids
    Does it spawn? How many spawns? Total worth
    Copper 0 0 0
    Tyronic Crystal 1 60 21000
    Silver 0 0 0
    Kor 1 60 36000
    Titanium 0 0 0
    Lavatile 1 60 72000
    Gold 0 0 0
    Lavatile Crystal 1 60 138000
    Dense Yeanite 1 60 210000
    Omnicronite 1 60 288000
    Diamond 1 10 100000
    Trivonic Crystal 1 40 500000
    Platinum 0 0 0
    Mythite 0 0 0
    Talpanite 1 4 100000
    Ionic Kor 1 50 1275000
    Impeganite 0 0 0
    Stryoic blend 0 0 0
    Noxicite 1 30 960000
    Salite 1 30 999000
    Septonic Crystal 1 30 1050000
    Gaelinite 0 0 0
    Slade 0 0 0
    Felathril 0 0 0
    Kyrok 0 0 0
    Oz 0 0 0
    Octorite 1 40 1776000
    Ultix 1 40 1820000
    Daemonite 1 15 727500
    Dense Daemonite 1 4 222220
    Total Types Total Spawns Total worth
    17 653 10294720
    Average Ore Worth : 15765.26799

    Active Roids :

    Active Roids
    Does it spawn? How many spawns? Total worth
    Copper 1 35 8750
    Tyronic Crystal 1 35 12250
    Silver 1 35 19250
    Kor 1 35 21000
    Titanium 1 35 28000
    Lavatile 1 35 42000
    Gold 1 35 52500
    Lavatile Crystal 1 35 80500
    Dense Yeanite 1 35 122500
    Omnicronite 1 35 168000
    Diamond 1 10 100000
    Trivonic Crystal 0 0 0
    Platinum 0 0 0
    Mythite 1 35 630000
    Talpanite 1 3 75000
    Ionic Kor 1 25 637500
    Impeganite 1 25 675000
    Stryoic blend 1 25 740000
    Noxicite 1 25 800000
    Salite 1 25 832500
    Septonic Crystal 0 0 0
    Gaelinite 1 28 1019200
    Slade 1 28 1038800
    Felathril 1 28 1064000
    Kyrok 0 0 0
    Oz 0 0 0
    Octorite 0 0 0
    Ultix 1 28 1274000
    Daemonite 1 15 727500
    Dense Daemonite 1 4 222220
    Total Types Total Spawns Total worth
    24 654 10390470
    Average Ore Worth : 15887.56881

    As you can see the average ore worth are all similar – when I created the three roid system, I wanted to get it out straight away – so the balance was just approximated – but it seems pretty good to me 🙂  Active roids have the largest variation in ores spawned.  Metal Roids have the largest number of spawns but are worth the less – maybe this is why it is mined the most? Still haven’t figured that out.

    Ideally I think I need to create some more metal ores, and then reduce number of spawns on metal roids to bring them in line with the other two. I also have plans for two other asteroid types – Ice and Radioactive. These two roid types would need special equipment before you can mine them – and will be dangerous environments to mine in 😉 Again, I will need to create extra ores for them.

    With the procedural generation of asteroids, these numbers won’t remain constant, different roid sizes and masses will alter the make up – a small roid with a large mass might contain heavier metal ores on it. A large roid with a lower mass might have a much large number of lighter ores spawned on it.


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