No blog posts except for boring patch notes 🙂 Sorry about that, I know you all value my wit over my boring patch notes 🙂 I’ve spent the dev time today modelling the remaining ores. They need a bit of tweaking, and hopefully can get them in-game tomorrow. Adding ores is currently a bit of a nightmare, for my uber vision of the game, I will need a much easier way of adding them. Will have to ponder the best way of doing it. Currently ores need to be present in two different prefab models, one for in game, and one for the inventory – this was my bodged way of doing it under the time constraints of the 19 hour challenge. Know a bit more about unity now 😉
Adding diamond to the game resulted in some interesting stats generated – I thought I had made them pretty rare, I’ve only found 1 during most of my dev work – but the stats talk for themselves :
Six found so far, and only two real active players 🙂 Both of whom are beating me score-wise! Thanks for playing Greg and Vaolinx. Seeing people actually play the game is a huge ego boost 🙂
I’m not sure about the bomb at the moment. I just put something simple in, which is why the blast is a square at the moment. My ultimate goal would be some huge terrain shaking event SFX monster blast. Which leaves a spherical hole, rather than looking like you’ve made a room.
I’m also debating changing the name of project – maybe just adding the rest of the ores to the game and leaving SpaceOreMiner as is, evolving the code base into my grander vision – which alas, SpaceOreMiner doesn’t give the right impression of. Well in my mind anyway.
The problem is, I found, that 99% of decent names are already taken. I come up with one, google search it, and then D’oh loudly. Ah well, maybe someone can provide me with some inspiration.
Oh and to the person who messaged me about Project Baphomet – I didn’t think anyone actually checked the html code of pages, take this as a denial 😉 There is no Project Baphomet!
Annoyingly, as the site gets more traffic, the spam levels are increasing quite dramatically. I now have more spam comments than real comments, and same applies to spammy messages from YouTube. Thankfully the usefulness of the comment review system within WordPress is pretty sweet – nice and easy to control it from within the interface without the blog getting bogged down with spam. Anyone who plays my game clearly needs no penis enhancement.
Once again, before I end this post, my regular feedback begging paragraph : Play the game, tell me what you love/like/hate about it. Have any cool ideas about features to add? Tell me! Always looking for new ideas.