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  •   SpaceOreMiner – Current Stats and Thoughts!

    4/10/10 - 23:01

    A total of 17 games played so far 🙂  only 4 of which were me hehe.  To whoever is managing to mine the Omicronite, how on earth are you doing it?  I can’t even manage that 🙂  I’m guessing there is a glitch somewhere 🙂

    I’ve had a grand total of three bits of feedback, which was honestly more than I was expecting 🙂  I’m gathering all the feedback together, along with ideas I am having for expanding the prototype before sitting down and decided what the next feature(s) will be, and how I will be coding them, along with an approx timeline.

    If you wish to leave feedback, feel free to email me, or write a comment here.  General thoughts/feelings about the game would be awesome.  I’ll respond to every bit of feedback 🙂

    If you have stumbled upon this blog, and have no idea about SpaceOreMiner – please click here and enjoy! 🙂


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