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  • Archive for September, 2010

    Hour 2 : More models and Unity3d

    2010 - 09.25

    All the modeling is done now, Limar and Mole look pretty much exactly how I imagined them 🙂 Minus a decent UV map of course.  Video is being uploaded to YouTube as I type this, and hopefully an automatic tweet will show you where to watch the video.  Managed to get all the models into Unity3d pretty simply, with the exception of their UV maps, hopefully I can sort that out now 🙂

    Edit : The Video :


    Hour 1 : Models

    2010 - 09.25

    Three models completed so far in blender – pretty simple ones : copper, silver and tyronic crystal.  Bit of a steep learning curve with blender, but managed to get there in the end, going to fall back to an old 3d modeler I used to use, and just import to Blender for the Limar and the Mole models.

    Hour 1 video has been created, and is currently taking its sweet time uploading to YouTube.  You can check out my channel to see, and will edit this post once it’s up.  The second hour I’m hoping to create the Mole and Limar and get all the models into Unity3d.

    Edit : The video :


    And so it begins ….

    2010 - 09.25

    Just about to start my first five hours of the 19 hours challenge.  Everything downloaded except for unity, which I will be doing once I’ve complete the prototype models.  In this first five hours, I’m aiming to achieve the following :

    1.  Three ores modelled.

    2.  Limar modelled.

    3.  Mole modelled.

    4.  Get all inside Unity3d.

    5.  Understand on how the basics of unity work.

    6.  Create some form of interaction within the game.

    More posts to follow soon! 🙂


    Platform Decided : Unity3d

    2010 - 09.24

    I’ve spent the last couple of days looking at different platforms in which to develop the game. Initially I had decided to go with my strengths, something like ogre3d. However, I randomly came upon a post on Slashdot which mentioned Unity3d. And, well, I was pretty blown away with it. Full 3d applications being dropped straight into your browser, with simple ways of producing windows and mac binaries along with iJunk apps.

    Indie version is free which is always good 🙂 Unity 3 ( the next version ) which is coming soon ( or now for a beta version ) looks even more awesome. The cost of the commercial version is pretty high ( and well out of my price range at the moment alas ), however, looks like once I get to the point I have a real working game, I can always investigate the upgrade. And when I say pretty high, its relatively small compared to buying a comercial engine.

    3d inside the browser is something I’ve always wanted to do. In fact several of my old projects had similar ideas, but mostly were very impractical ( using php’s gdlib to create a first person environment is not the most practical use of server bandwidth 🙂 ).

    Unity offers a huge range of features; easy server interaction ( which plays to my lust for php and postgres dbs for massive architecture ), fully integrated editor ( I’m a command line lover, but a GUI always helps speed up the process ), pretty lights, runtime editing, c# and js scripts, and has many other awesome features. Looks like one helluva tool.

    The final straw with picking unity was the sewer control room demo. With the name I picked for the site, it seems aptly appropriate 🙂 Just gotta change the water to green 😉

    So, once the models have been created within the 19 hour timespan, then I shall be downloading unity, and learning while I code. Probably making this challenge slightly to complex now, but we shall see 🙂 Unity uses c# and js for scripting, which is pretty sweet as I have experience in both, so not to worried about learning a new language from scratch.  Getting real excited about starting this 🙂  Tommorrow will be putting a solid four hours in, will be intresting to see how far I get.

    tl:dr; Imma gonna create the game with Unity


    My first youtube video :)

    2010 - 09.24

    Well, just made my first YouTube video ever.  It started out just as a test to check if the screen recorder and mic worked, but ended up being a gimp image prototype explaining the core gameplay of SpaceOreMiner.

    So here we go, the first computer generated images of SpaceOreMiner 🙂
