Yup, after 19 pretty intense hours, I have a fully working game. It’s simple, it has a few bugs, it has no real decent UV maps – but it is a whole game. I’m pretty amazed that I managed to get this together in just 10 hours, learning blender and Unity along the way.
Well, this is just a very brief post, wanted to just give everyone the url :
Bonus features 🙂 The hour flew past even faster than the previous ones have. Added a rocket booster to the bottom of the Mole, which only fires when you are moving up. Looks quite sweet – I simply changed some of the variables in the standard ‘Small Fire’ Particles prefab. Looks pretty damn cool, loving leaving huge trails of fire everywhere 😀
I also improved the inventory. When you press and hold Q you get a view inside your Mole and can actually see what ore is in the inventory. It basically identical code to the zoom out view, just with different lights and camera. I think it looks pretty cool 🙂
Had a quick scout around for music and sound effects, but couldn’t find anything I liked – so I will be leaving sounds till after the final 19.
I started with this little picture for this first hour :
Flow of SpaceOreMiner
As you can see, there are some awesome hand-drawn renders of the menu layout, showing what I wanted from each screen. In unity, I created three extra scenes, one for each screen, and started hacking away at it. Surprisingly, the coding time took next to zero – loading a scene is a single command, creating a menu item is also just a one line command. Now with these menu items, and a game over screen, I pretty much have a complete game! This build contains all my features from my must have list to qualify as a game. Its a pretty damn cool feeling. And now I have 2 extra hours to fine tune/tweak/add minor features.
Everything went better than expected
Now looking at my imaginary list of things to do, there are a few things I really want to add in the next two hours :
Music/sound – if I can find any quickly that I can legally use of course 🙂
Heh, well this was a very maniac hour, I spent most of the time in blender and gimp creating ore models. Though I had initially been happy with only three ores, I figured now the inventory system was up and running, it was kinda boring with only three ores. So I speed made another seven, to bring the total up to 10. Now they are all pretty simple shapes, and all the UVs have just been render scripts in gimp, so sometimes they look a little funny, but I am pretty happy with what I have so far. Giving that this hour was almost totally modeling time, I doubt I will be able to finish the other five ores ( as detailed the blog entry with my most favorite and funny title ever ), which is a shame, but I think it is realistic.
All the ores have been added to the event system, so you can collect them. Also cleared out your inventory correctly when the Mole reaches the Limar. Tweaked the font a little for the status, quite happy with how it looks now. Once again, I will upload a youtube, and hopefully it should magically appear in an hour or so after this post 🙂
Well that is it for tonight folks, I hope you join me all for the exciting conclusion tomorrow, when ( in theory ) I will finish my first game 🙂
Please feel free to leave any feedback/comments 🙂
Don’t you hate it when you have perfect looking code, and yet it DOESN’T WORK FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER! *grrrrr* I built the inventory system in js, and had all the information heading to the debug console ( Debug.Log ( “whatever” ) ). But for some reason, I wasn’t getting the values I was expecting, after much commenting of code, and poking of things, I still had no idea what was happening. All events were triggering once. The idea being that every time the Mole hit an object, it grabbed the name of the object, stuck it into the Mole’s inventory. Sounds simple enough?
But for no reason I could see my code was failing. I could hit each ore type once, and then after that, nothing was put into the debug screen.
Then, I discovered the collapse button on the console. It was turned on. I didn’t know what it did, so clicked it. That fixed the problem. My code *WAS* running fine. But the console was removing duplicate events. ARGH!!!! But oh well, its turned off, and I have an inventory and score system in game.
It is pretty basic at the moment ( as the video will show ), but suddenly – I actually do have a game 🙂 Yay! Well worth the large amount of frustration from that bleeding collapse button!