As you can tell from my last post, I’ve entered OneGameAMonth, an indie gamejam which probably needs no explanation as to its purpose. I’d highly recommend any indie dev have a look at it, the website is pretty fantastic, gamified in quite an awesome way. At the time of writing, after a month of development, there are currently 784 games uploaded there – which I think is a hell of an amazing achievement. So many ideas and games in one place. It is pretty exciting to say the least.
I really do like the idea of producing a game a month. I ( like a lot of developers ) tend to get caught up with massive grandiose dreams which very often seem to escape our reach. Having a regular deadline in which you know you must release something I think is incredibly motivating – a month being an ample amount of time to produce a simple game and add polish.
My first game is up there and you can check my profile out here. Already started jotting down notes for February’s game. Feel free to leave some feedback there if you like ( or hate ) what I’m doing. I’m always up for attention 🙂
Many thanks to @mcfunkypants and @LZAntal for setting this up, and I am really excited at what will come from it 🙂