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  • Archive for November, 2011

    Slime Dungeon : Infographic to show progress

    2011 - 11.06

    I’ve been tweeting screenshots all this weekend about the development of Slime Dungeon. I thought it would be cool to combine several of the images to document the games creation along its rather short life cycle :

    Quite pointless, but I think it is quite cool to see the development process all in one place like that 🙂


    Slime Dungeon : A game made in a weekend

    2011 - 11.06

    It has been a while since I have released a game – everything seems to be complex prototypes at the moment. So I decided to give myself a challenge. Similar to the
    19 hour challenge
    that spawned SpaceOreMiner but slightly more concentrated – complete an entire game in a weekend.

    On Thursday night I came up with a simple prototype idea for a cell based game. Clearing as much of my weekend as I could, I set to work coding a game based upon this prototype idea. The goal was simple : I wanted a playable game, with sounds and music, as well as non-place holder artwork and a menu screen.

    One of the things I had to avoid a lot during this process was feature creep. It was so tempting to fall into the ‘lets add everything and make it awesome’. But I knew if I realistically wanted to complete a game within the weekend, I had to keep everything as simple as possible. But, to be honest, for around 12 hours work, I think I have something that fulfills all my major goals within my allotted time frame.

    There is plenty I will add and change to Slime Dungeon in the coming weeks ( it says version 1.0 but probably a good idea to take 0.99 off that value 😉 ). One of the most important of these being an option screen. The music is great and all, but gets annoying after a while 😉 Secondly the AI REALLY needs beefing up – currently it just randomly picks squares and tries to group it’s slimes together. There are some minor ( non-game play altering ) bugs also that need squashing.

    Thanks go out to Inko, who provided the amazing slime model and animations ( also an upgrade that is needed, he has provided three animations in total with it but time-constraints have prevented me from implementing them this weekend). I’d also like to mention freesound.org for the fantastic slime sounds and also the incredible offering of No Soap Radio which provided both the music pieces to the game. If you are an indie developer, I’d really recommend checking them out!

    So without my usual large amount of blog text, GreenSlimeGames is proud to present :

    Slime Dungeon
