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  •   All quiet on the western front …

    24/10/10 - 14:08

    Well, not really, just no blog posts at the moment 🙂  I’m having quite a major re-design of back end things and game play for the next big release of SpaceOreMiner.  Will totally be worth changing the 1.x to a 2.x 🙂  I’ve been discussing the game with several of the players, and explained some of where I want to go with the game.  It is all pretty exciting at the moment 🙂

    Part of this new thrust with the game is getting some decent models and textures.  I posted on the unity forums an advert to try and find some folks to help.  Been pretty blown away at all the responses.  One guy even went ahead and made the Limar and and Mole, which look damn sweet.  I won’t upload his images up here yet ( permissions etc; ), but they look pretty dang good.  Very excited to see where this is going to head.

    I’ve been working on better ways of distributing ores on the asteroid, rather than just randomly basing them in bands.  I’ve got some coolness in the form of clusters of ores now, along with a start of generating them in veins.  Currently the vein code gets a bit to excited and tries to play 100 or so minerals in a straight line.  A bit over the top, hehe.

    I’m still looking for feedback about the game, as always 🙂  The next big version will introduce a lot of new external gameplay elements, but the current game play will stay pretty much as is.  So any feedback on that would be awesome 🙂

    If you would like to play the game, please feel free to click and visit : http://www.greenslimegames.com/games/spaceoreminer/


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