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  •   Update 1 : SpaceOreMiner turns into an MMORPG

    8/10/10 - 19:49

    Well, not really, but if anything will grab traffic, its a unity project mentioning MMORPG.  Hehe.

    After my joy of getting my project back from the unity peeps yesterday, I’ve been hard at work adding things to SpaceOreMiner.  The youtube video that I’m about to upload showcases them all, however, lets type what I have now 🙂

    After listening to feedback, I’ve stopped the mining laser from hitting the ore, the mining laser now zooms straight through them, which makes the overall mining effect much cooler.  I’ve also added a self destruct button, which ends your game, meaning I get to log your stats if you get bored of playing 🙂

    Another major change to the game play itself is the addition of a shop.  If you land on the pad on the Limar, you can now  spend your hard earned cash on upgrading the mole.  Which is pretty dang sweet.  The prices and actual changes to your stats I’ve just made up for now – I have a feeling the level 1 upgrade to your engines is totally overpowered, and will prolly get nerfed 🙂  I’d love to hear feedback if anyone has any idea on prices they feel would be better, or values that would be better.

    The two important locations in the game :)

    Where to sell ore and where to buy upgrades

    The single ( most uber ) change is now you can log into the game 🙂  I’m not collecting emails or anything, so don’t expect to be able to reset your password yet.  It’s pretty un-user friendly at the moment, but I wanted to add it to show where I was going with the game.  You can even create an account within the game itself! enjoy people!  I know I am 🙂  Once you have logged in, you will stay logged in as long as the webplayer stays open.  If you want to see your updated stats, just log in again and they will display them – Once I get some players in there, then I will produce a web frontend, maybe with some more graphs 🙂

    There is a bug I am aware of, but haven’t been able to track down yet – sometimes when you get to the game over screen, the stats arn’t sent to the server – I need to look into that.  If it happens to you, if you could tell me at what time it happened ( and timezone you are in ) along with any notes ( I had collected exactly 666 copper ore , I self destructed ) that would be awesome.

    Once more, you can find the game at : http://www.greenslimegames.com/games/spaceoreminer/

    And enjoy, once more I am gagging for feedback, so feel free to comment here, or on my youtube channel : http://www.youtube.com/user/LamentConfigGSG

    Or why not follow me and send me a tweet? http://twitter.com/GreenSlimeGames


    2 Responses to “Update 1 : SpaceOreMiner turns into an MMORPG”

    1. Kathi Goston says:

      I am a reader of this blog for some time but only now decided to comment here, Fantastic job !! I Like to play this Game

      • lamentconfig says:

        Thanks 🙂 There are a lot of changes coming quite soon, feel free to check out the newer blog entries with the pictures of the new models 🙂 I’ve been hit by quite a lot of comment spam recently, so edited out your website, though you look legit … feel free to reply to this comment to prove your arn’t spam 🙂

        EDIT: j00 r a spamz botz!

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