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  •   D’oh! Used names

    23/09/10 - 20:47

    Every name which is simple has already been used on the internet … d’oh! Or atleast it seems that way.  As such, I’m going to rename my SpaceMiner to the slightly more obscure sounding SpaceOreMiner.  Not wanting any law suits or what have you not.  I was going to go with RoidRaider … but that gave me funny mental images of Lara Croft with one of those ring type seats.  As such, I am just going to go through the posts and edit them to reflect the name change 🙂

    Edit : Hopefully changed everything, if anyone has a suggestion for a better name, or indeed notices any references to just SpaceMiner, please comment 🙂


    2 Responses to “D’oh! Used names”

    1. the mole says:

      i think your project sounds exciting! WTG!

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